Iberzoo+Propet2023, the international trade fair for pet professionals, was held in Madrid from March 15 to 17.
This year Iberzoo+Propet has been as interesting as expected, showing the great variety of products and services dedicated to the welfare of pets.
From Dr+Vet we have taken the opportunity to announce the official launch of our new products of the digestive and metabolic lines:
– Digestum for nutritional support and improvement of symptomatology in patients with chronic gastroenteritis.
– Colitum for nutritional support and symptomatology improvement in patients with chronic large bowel diarrhea.
– Flavum for nutritional support and improvement of symptomatology in patients with liver damage.
– Glyco for nutritional support and help in glucose regulation (diabetes mellitus).
The 4 new products, as well as Lacrimalis+, will be available to veterinary professionals next April.
In addition, we have also carried out a draw for a lot of all Dr+Vet products, of which the winner will be announced in April, coinciding with the launch of the new products. The announcement will be made through our social networks and email.
Thanks to all of you who came to our stand at IberzooPropet! To have been able to share these days with you and receive your good feelings reinforces our tireless commitment to the welfare of companion animals.